Friday, November 25, 2011

What can consumer's expect from your business?

I realize this post is coming out during the stressful holiday shopping season and that every business is vying for your hard earned dollars to try to make a profit so they can continue to stay in business. They are in the business of exchanging their services/merchandise for your money.

What do you give them in return besides your money? Are you a loyal customer?

 Have you helped this business decrease advertising by sharing your positive experiences or have you caused them to increase their prices due to higher advertising costs because of your failure to support them?

Less than 100 years ago many areas of this country had few choices when it came to shopping. Most of our country was still developing, few choices were available, you could go to the local general store and get everything from flour to the latest fashion (kinda like wal-marts of their time).

What are the store’s doing now to create an experience that makes you want to happily, willingly part with your money?

How is their customer service, do you feel welcome in their business or are you just a wallet and a paycheck for someone? Do employers realize how important their front line employees are?

I am posing these questions as I have read survey after survey of customer’s complaining about poor shopping experiences, and stores complaining about consumer’s only looking for bargains and not caring about the customer experience.

Who is right? Is one group right and the other wrong>

Are we not ALL customers of some business?

For each of us that have a job, do we not deal with at least one other person that is depending on our skill to promote the business we are affiliated with that provides us with a paycheck?

Why are we saying one thing as a customer and then something different when we are at work providing “customer service”?

How is one experience so different from the other? What, if anything can be done differently to change the outcome?

Well, what outcome do you wish to have?

Do you want your children to have the same experiences you have had as a consumer, as an employee?

Who is responsible for the current state of consumer experiences?

Who is responsible for the current state of employee experiences?

Don’t you dare tell me it is the governments fault.

But let’s have a clean, real discussion, working towards the goal of improving relations between business owners/employees/consumers.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

So I think I am ready to learn more...

What is "it" that you think you are ready to learn? How to make money? How to be successful? What have you done to lay the foundation for your success?

Who are you listening to? Who or what is your biggest influence?

That is a lot of questions that I have just posed to you, and have you really thought out what the answers are?

Not simple one or two word answers, but deep, thoughtfully crafted answers that are centered around what you really want to achieve in your life.

I have been studying trying to learn how to "break through" to the next level of the "ME" I want to be. There is a lot of information out there, some of it sounds really good, until you dig below the surface and find that it really doesn't take you where you thought you wanted to go.

You can spend a lot of time, energy and money on these programs.

There are Real Estate Gurus, Energy Tapping Gurus, Instant Wealth Gurus, you get my drift, right?
Now I am not in a position to argue if any of these are right or wrong, or if they are valid teachings.
I will tell you right now,I am not in a financial position to prove or disprove any one's claim to any of these techniques. For all I know any or all of them may be plausible, real ways towards wealth and fortune and fame, if, that is what you are seeking.

 I am seeking inner peace, and my own path to success. I help other people become successful, that is how I have always described myself. If you are successful,and I have had any influence in any of your decisions in your journey, I feel like I have contributed, at least a little towards your success and therefore I have always stated that I too am successful. I have always and will continue to believe in this statement. BUT, I have learned there is more to it than that.

And that, my friend, is what I am talking about today.
Have I discussed with you in depth, how I have come this far? And, how I KNOW I have so much more to learn?

I am an observer of life, then I absorb the information, and then figure out how to apply it.

Not all lessons have been pleasant, or easy. No I haven't found out the secret to wealth, but I have figured out how to be happy with what I do have, and to know I have the ability to do more as long as I remain receptive to new thoughts and truths that are real and provable.

Over the last several days I have been observing and absorbing some new (to me) teachings,  and as I disseminate the information and learn to apply it I will share with you what I learn, so that hopefully, together, we can hold each other up in our new found information and grow wiser with the sharing of knowledge and power. Because that is what knowledge is- it is power and when properly used can unleash a whole new set of circumstances and opportunities.

Looking forward to sharing more tomorrow with you, I will be here, will you?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

So Here is "The Plan"

     Have you ever heard that one before?
     I think it is a wonderful idea to plan. Your day, Your life, Your career, Your family, Your retirement.
     But it seems like every single time I plan, something happens and the "plan" has to change. So if you are aware, you adapt to the change and go with the flow, and can change your plan without a meltdown.
     But there are some people who choose differently and make loud noises, how life is not fair (I didn't know it was supposed to be), that they are the "victim" of someone/something else, and that it is not their fault. It makes me wonder then, if they are not in control of their circumstances, how DO they get through life? When things don't go the way you plan do you stop eating? Do you stop taking care of your daily activities like watching tv?, listening to the radio, talking with your friends/family? Do you stop taking a shower/bath? Oh my, look at me asking all these mundane questions. Of course you do these things, you get out of bed, do your daily routine, eat, watch tv, or listen to the radio, or read the paper, the things that give you some type of comfort will be the last thing you will ever give up.
     Life may NOT be going on around you according to YOUR plan, but LIFE IS going on with or without you. Will you choose to participate and learn to adapt to change, or will you choose to continue to make yourself (and everyone you come in contact with) miserable until nobody wants to listen to you any longer and by the way, at some point people will start to tune you out.
     My wish for you is, to take the high road, have the courage to reinvent yourself. Is it scary to do this? Sure it is. Is there a payoff for you if you do this? That depends, are you ready to find out?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Following Instructions

This is a study in trust and following instructions

1.       Close your eyes

2.       Put your right hand on your stomach

3.       Place your left hand on top of your head

4.       Start to rub your stomach in a circular motion

5.       Start to pat the top of your head

6.       Stop

7.       Open your eyes

8.       How did you do? Were you successful?

9.       Try it again with your eyes open- how did you do? Did you feel more or less successful?

10.   Try this with your left hand on your stomach and your right hand on your head.

This is just an example of how management can implement change with their employees who   then in turn implement change to the customer.

Why would you want your employee to rub their stomach and pat their head?

Why would you want them to show this to the customer?

What could the results be if what you envision for your customers to experience is explained to your employees and they can then figure out how best to approach the customer with the idea that the end result will be a more loyal customer because they understand how working with your company benefits them.

How long do you have someone perform a function, or set of functions before you introduce change?
If someone is struggling with certain aspects of their job performance, what do you do first to get them to believe they need to change and how does this affect morale?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Facebook Gratitude Journal

     At the end of August I started posting an online gratitude journal. I was inspired to do this from different authors I had been reading both on facebook and a few books I had recently read.
So here is what I have discovered in the 6 weeks that I have been writing.

     By being aware, and giving voice to my gratitude, I have experienced personal growth, been more aware of my communication style, worked at listening more consistently.
Controlling the controllables in my life, which is improving my self confidence.

    Now for you, my readers I implore you to be more compassionate, Dream your dreams and focus on your goals, ensure your goals and dreams are in alignment with your beliefs so that you can follow your path. You may find yourself mentoring others along the way and you are an inspiration whether you realize it or not.

     Do not allow negativity into your circle of friends, support one another, receive constructive feedback. Release your fears, and anger, they do not serve your purpose. Your emotions can hold you back. Do not allow this to happen. You are in control, don't let anyone keep you from achieving your goals, you are not a victim. Hold your head high, be self assured, and you will find peace within.

     Ok so I am sure you have heard perhaps all of this information before, but my question to you is- why have you not acted on it yet, what is holding you back? Fear? Guilt? "Friends"? Family?
Look honestly inside yourself and you will find that you are worth it, you are a valued person by at least one other in the universe.

     Go and live your BEST life, starting now, today, don't wait for tomorrow, you are wasting time.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Dream- Believe- Achieve and more

Do you have a dream?

Do you Believe in your Dream?

What are you doing to Achieve your Dream?

Let me share with you MY DREAM.

     I enjoy helping people. So earlier this year, I tied that desire towards a more purposeful goal.

I became a Certified Professional Coach for Life/Business/Career along with my desire to help; I also developed a Customer Service Skills Training program.

     But there is also the realization that I must take action, self-discipline to complete some tasks that need to be done to give even more, it is in the ordinary routine of day in-day out that I am finding much to do, and sometimes feel little is being accomplished, until I step back and see how necessary the little things are. I also remind myself that I'm not really in charge of all that happens. I am responsible for my preparation, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I am always guided to give the message that is needed-if I've done the preparation!

     For perspective, I am thinking that since I left my previous job, I have recovered emotionally and physically, and rediscovered the source of my strength. By becoming a coach I also had the opportunity to write a book that is published on Amazon available on Kindle (Nate's Adventure's with Aspergers and ADHD), and then started writing a second book. I developed a series of motivational speeches, developed several presentations for Customer Service Skills for small and medium sized businesses, joined a local Chamber of Commerce and attended several functions for networking purposes, and I know there is so much more to do.

      I can only compare this to like building a house, realizing I am not in this line of business I apologize in advance if I missed any steps.

      First you decide you are ready to build, you check for funds available, your credit is good, you have researched where you want your house to be located, determined an approximated cost of land, land preparation and construction. Then you choose a contractor who has to take several steps of their own before they can get ready to clear the land and be ready to begin to lay the foundation. All of the preparation can take several weeks to several months to be ready before there has been any indication to anyone driving by the property that a change is about to take place.

     The contractor will most likely have to go through several subcontractors before obtaining all the required paperwork and materials to be delivered to the building site. Then the real work begins.

     The land must be cleared and leveled, and the foundation is poured, following the plan carefully to ensure no steps are missed like leaving areas for necessary electrical and plumbing. Once the foundation is completed the builder will review the plans and engage as many as necessary to build a great team that completes the project to the future owner’s delight. Frequent check-ins with the future owner are needed to ensure everything stays on track and within budget, but sometimes, despite the best of plans and the best of intentions, something unexpected can happen that can set the project back, and sometimes even cause the project to be derailed or canceled.

     But when everything goes according to plan, you end up with a beautiful house that you can turn into a home where many feel welcome, where people will feel able to share with you their good and bad times and you do what you can to make everyone whose life you touch, just a little better, more clarity, more confidence, more direction.

   You can look back and remember when you first had your vision of what you wanted your home to look like, and it may look totally different now, it may be the size of a cabin, or a 60 room mansion, that will not matter in the end. You know what has been created here is a good thing, you did your due diligence and calculated the cost, and even if it cost you more than you anticipated you know the end result was worth it all.

     So at what stage do I believe I am at? Good question- I would say, the foundation is there, the majority of the construction is done, but there will always be more to learn, more to do, there are some minor things still be done, and as with any house it still has to go through final inspection. But I am ready for whatever happens next and will learn and grow from each experience.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Introduction from my book.

So occasionally I will put in an excerpt from my book that is coming out in the Spring of 2012.

     This is the story of my life, it is not always a pretty story, it is not always a depressing story, but it is my story. It is a story of adversity, and overcoming, and pushing through to see what comes next. Doing the best I can with what I have, but always striving to achieve more, learn more, do more, and serve more.

     I raised 3 daughters, Misty, Mandy and Meagan. Now my girls are raising their families, I have 5 grandchildren, Misty’s children- Nate, Ashley, Mandy’s daughter, Katie and Meagan’s girls Cassie and her sister Bree.

     I ended up being a single parent, this was not part of my plan, but, I have learned that every time I made plans, something we call life-took me in other directions. So I continued to observe.

     I observed what was working for people I knew, and people I didn’t know except through the media. I observed what DID NOT work for others as well, and I have tried to avoid some of those same mistakes for myself. Now this does not mean I have not made my share of missteps, but I have not set out to intentionally cause harm or offense to anyone, but I have learned some powerful life lessons, and I enjoy sharing what I have learned, and I want you to learn as well.

     I grew from being a young city girl, to a wife, mother, room mother, Sunday School Teacher, Softball Coach, Girl Scout Leader, Bible Quiz Parent, chauffeur, Nurse’s Aide, Medical Office Manager, small business owner, Respiratory Therapist, Skilled Care Outreach Manager, Call Center Representative, Call Center Supervisor, Retail Sales Supervisor, back to Call Center Supervisor, whew! And now I am starting over as a Life/Business Coach and Entrepreneur. In almost every role, I was providing some level of Customer Service, Customer Service Training, and Customer Service Support.

     Along my path I have had some great Mentor’s and Bosses, and I have had a few really Poor Bosses with very poor people skills, one even stated that he had poor skills, and said he would not make any apology for it, those of us that reported to him would have to make the best of the situation as he was put in place to be the “clean up man”, whatever that meant. I have tried to take the best practices of those that were successful, and observed what did not work from those that had challenges and develop my own style of managing people, which over the years I have become pretty successful.

     I discovered that each and every job I have EVER had has been providing customer service, yes you heard me right, even as a wife, mother, daughter, friend I am still providing customer service to whomever I am interacting with. And so are you.

     The goal is to give the best part of yourself to whatever action you are taking, work or at home or social situation. Is it easy? NO. Is it worthwhile? YES. Can you do it? ABSOLUTELY, if you choose to.

Friday, September 30, 2011

My first keynote was a success and here is why.

I recently had my first opportunity to be the keynote speaker for a local women’s group. This was awesome for me, I don’t know if the ladies I spoke with could understand how much it meant to me that they gave me the opportunity to share my thoughts with them, and that by doing so I gained the confidence needed to follow this path I have set my feet upon.

     I talked about life being like a jigsaw puzzle, and how we observe what is going on around us, absorb information that will help us and then apply that information into the fabric of our being so that we change according to what we observed and absorbed. For an example, I talked about me, finding myself as a single parent, needing to go back to school so that I could more effectively provide for my children and myself. I talked about what I had observed that had worked for others, and some things that did not work. I absorbed the information and applied the information, the result was I became a Certified Respiratory Therapist and was able to raise my family on a single income. Learning lessons along the way, that I hoped my daughter’s would be able to observe in life what worked and what did not work so well. That they would be able to absorb the lessons and then when the time came and they were raising their families they would be able to apply and improve their lives.


     I want you to be ready to take that step. I have some tools that will enable you to find your passion, and follow it through. Maybe what you want is to advance your career; together we can make a plan for that. Maybe what you want to do is change careers; together we will make this happen for you. It is a step by step process, no magic involved, just conversation, setting goals, taking action.

     I have also decided to stay open to all possibilities and opportunities that may come my way. Yes, this is my business. Yes, this is my passion. But most importantly I know this is what I am called to do. I want to be available to talk with people, either as individuals or groups. So I will not have an agenda, I will not be creating infomercials or do any type of marketing where I promise to give you something, and then only give you some of what you need. I must give my all, my best information.

     Does this mean I will give it all away for free? Of course not, like I stated this is my business. But I do not want to go just part of the way towards helping someone change their life. I am in it for the long haul. If anyone takes on that type of commitment, knowing it is serious, and then they are more open and willing to try to make the changes needed to step into their greatness.

Are you ready?

I am ready for you.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Positive Attitude

You choose your attitude, and then your actions will speak for themselves, so by choosing a positive attitude, we are saying we are not ignoring the negative, but choosing to focus on the positive.
Positivity thrives on trust, opportunity, commitment, and team involvement. Those same ingredients encourage and nurture a negative person. But the negative person takes this to the extreme and has a negative effect on those in their circle of influence.
It is up to each positive person to see past someone else’s negativity to offer help, we may not get the reward of an improved attitude, but remembering  your attitude is your choice and you cannot demand anyone accept your way as the only way.
Exercises to teach, mentor, reinforce, and apply in building proficiency at showing a Positive Attitude:
1. Say a cheerful “Good Morning” to everybody.
2. Tell colleagues when you appreciate their help.
3. Ask a colleague what they need… and help them get it.
4. Smile while listening and talking.
5. Speak well of your employer.
6. Take a proposed solution to the boss with every problem.
7. Tell the boss about something good that a colleague has done.
8. Choose not to gossip — or listen to gossip.
9. Accept assignments with a smile, saying, “I’ll be happy to!”
10. Make somebody feel better daily.
11. Volunteer for a job that needs doing.
12. Offer sincere congratulations when others have a success