Friday, September 30, 2011

My first keynote was a success and here is why.

I recently had my first opportunity to be the keynote speaker for a local women’s group. This was awesome for me, I don’t know if the ladies I spoke with could understand how much it meant to me that they gave me the opportunity to share my thoughts with them, and that by doing so I gained the confidence needed to follow this path I have set my feet upon.

     I talked about life being like a jigsaw puzzle, and how we observe what is going on around us, absorb information that will help us and then apply that information into the fabric of our being so that we change according to what we observed and absorbed. For an example, I talked about me, finding myself as a single parent, needing to go back to school so that I could more effectively provide for my children and myself. I talked about what I had observed that had worked for others, and some things that did not work. I absorbed the information and applied the information, the result was I became a Certified Respiratory Therapist and was able to raise my family on a single income. Learning lessons along the way, that I hoped my daughter’s would be able to observe in life what worked and what did not work so well. That they would be able to absorb the lessons and then when the time came and they were raising their families they would be able to apply and improve their lives.


     I want you to be ready to take that step. I have some tools that will enable you to find your passion, and follow it through. Maybe what you want is to advance your career; together we can make a plan for that. Maybe what you want to do is change careers; together we will make this happen for you. It is a step by step process, no magic involved, just conversation, setting goals, taking action.

     I have also decided to stay open to all possibilities and opportunities that may come my way. Yes, this is my business. Yes, this is my passion. But most importantly I know this is what I am called to do. I want to be available to talk with people, either as individuals or groups. So I will not have an agenda, I will not be creating infomercials or do any type of marketing where I promise to give you something, and then only give you some of what you need. I must give my all, my best information.

     Does this mean I will give it all away for free? Of course not, like I stated this is my business. But I do not want to go just part of the way towards helping someone change their life. I am in it for the long haul. If anyone takes on that type of commitment, knowing it is serious, and then they are more open and willing to try to make the changes needed to step into their greatness.

Are you ready?

I am ready for you.

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